Change your e-mail address

If you want to update your email on Helpful Games, you may do that after you have logged in:

  1. Login as a teacher or parent.
  2. On the members home page, click the Settings button.
  3. Click the link Change e-mail address to the right of your current email address.
  4. Two input fields will appear, where you enter your new email address and also your current password.
  5. Click the Save button just below the two input fields when done.
  6. An e-mail message will be sent to your new e-mail within 10 minutes. Please verify your new e-mail address by following the link in that message.

Remember that your login name will also be updated to your new email address.

If you have both forgotten your password and changed your email address so that the old address is no longer available, you may contact us for personal support to change your e-mail address.