
Play free Geography games online. Geography describes how the Earth's surface look like, explain why it looks the way it does and puts it in relation to how human activity affects and is affected by the earth. Practice this in these geography games. Here we have collected all the games on the subject Geography. The games suit preschool, elementary school and all the way up to high school. The games may be sorted by popularity, target group, release date or name.
Play Flags - largest countries in the world

Flags - largest countries in the world

Practice what the flags look like for the 40 countries with the largest population in the world.
5 game levels. Third grade - Eleventh grade and above
Flags Population Countries National flags
Play Cardinal directions

Cardinal directions

Pratice cardinal points and how the four directions of north, east, south, and west are used.
7 game levels. Fifth grade - Seventh grade
Cardinal points Directions Map Compass
Play Countries in Europe

Countries in Europe

Practice European countries with a map game. Learn what the countries are called and where they are located in Europe.
6 game levels. Fifth grade - Seventh grade
Europe Countries Map Europe Map
Play River courses

River courses

5th grade social studies review of river courses, ie upper, middle and lower course.
6 game levels. Fourth grade - Sixth grade
Social studies River courses Features Rivers
Play US states

US states

Practice the 50 states in the United States. Learn where the states are on the map and how they are spelled in English.
4 game levels. Fifth grade - Seventh grade
States United States US States Map
Play Countries in Asia

Countries in Asia

Practice the countries of Asia on a map. Learn the names of the countries and where they are located geographically.
4 game levels. Eighth grade - Eleventh grade and above
Asia Map Countries
Play Countries in Africa

Countries in Africa

Practice the countries of Africa on a map. Learn the names of the countries and where they are located geographically.
8 game levels. Fifth grade - Eleventh grade and above
Africa Countries Map
Play Countries in South America

Countries in South America

In this game you will practice the countries of South America. Learn where they are on the map and how they are spelled.
4 game levels. Eighth grade - Eleventh grade and above
South America Map Countries
Play The Seven Continents

The Seven Continents

Students will be able to locate and identify the 7 continents on a world map.
2 game levels. First grade - Fifth grade
Asia Africa North America South America
Play Capital cities in Europe

Capital cities in Europe

Learn what the capitals are called in the European countries and where they are on a map.
4 game levels. Fifth grade - Eleventh grade and above
Capital cities Europe Map
Design games in Geography

Create your own Geography game

Missing a game? Are you a teacher, expert or educating in the subject Geography? Please feel free to create your own educational geography game with your own questions for a lesson, practice or test. Choose from several different game templates.
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