
Improved search: Find games by game type

You can now search our games by selecting the game type. We have several different game types and sometimes you may want to search for a specific game type, such as memory or multiple choice. Now you can do that […]

Faster memory games

Now you can move on to the next word pair by clicking on the next card, although the previous cards are still shown. This way you can speed up the memory game, if you wish. The improvement is introduced on […]

Improved letter board games

Laying out the words We’ve improved the way words are laid out on game levels that are of the letter grid type. Now the words can be laid out according to one of the following: Applies to the word puzzle […]

New game settings in image markups

The popular picture marking game type, where the student has to click on the correct marking in a picture, has now been enhanced with two new picture marking game types. One shows a marker in a picture and the student […]

Assignments – Summary and estimated duration

Now teachers get a summary of all groups and assignments as well as within the selected group when the teacher go to assignments. If the teacher shows a specific assignment, an estimate of how long it will take to complete […]

Improved feedback in image markups

Games of the game type image markups have been updated. The number of attempts/guesses is now displayed with hearts as in other game types. In addition, the game creator (when creating a user game) can now choose whether the number […]

Admin for schools and municipalities

Do you want to get a better overview of your school’s use of Helpful Games? Do you have a school administrator who needs to manage classes and groups instead of the teachers themselves? If you have a plus membership of […]

Bug in multiple choice levels (fixed)

If the student, in a game with multiple choice questions and extra lives (indicated by hearts), quickly clicked on 2 different wrong answers, there was a bug in the copying when that question would be added as an extra question […]

Visual feedback of failed game rounds

When the student plays a level in a game, a progress bar is displayed in many games. It’s green as long as the game round is about to be completed, but turns red if the student does something wrong and […]