View personal data

When you create a user on Helpful Games, you also submit personal information. The following describes how to access this information and how to correct or delete it.

My personal information as a parent or teacher

All personal information we have about you as a teacher or parent is accessed by:

  1. Log in as yourself (teacher or parent).
  2. Click Settings.

On the settings page you will find a form containing all personal information stored about you. Depending on what you entered, it may be: first name, last name, e-mail address, phone number, school and IP address. There you can view and edit all your personal information. The information is stored as long as you are a member. Read more about deleting my account.

Personal information about my student

You can find all stored personal information about a student by:

  1. Log in as the student’s responsible teacher or parent.
  2. Click Students.
  3. Click on the name of the group in which the student is included.
  4. Click on the student’s name.

There you will find a form with all personal information stored about that student. Depending on what you entered, it may be: first name, last name, e-mail address and IP address.
On this page you may view and edit all personal information about that student, but you may also delete the student account. The personal information is stored as long as you (or any other teacher or parent who is entitled to the student) are a member.

Other stored personal data


When commenting on a game, the IP address, name and / or e-mail address will be stored if you choose to enter them. If you want to completely delete your comment, please contact us. To stop receiving email notifications about your comment, follow the instructions at the end of those e-mail messages.


When you contact us, we will keep your submitted personal information (IP address, name and e-mail address) in order to contact you with answers. This information is deleted when the cases are considered resolved, which may vary between hours and years, depending on the nature of the case. If you wish to delete your personal information in advance, you need to inform us that you want to terminate your case before receiving an answer or solution.